Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Christmas Day

Hello friends, welcome to my blog again.
You know what day is it? Today is 25th December.. It is a christmas day.
So I would like to tell you about christmas.

Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated generally on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year , it closes the Advent season and initiates the twelve days of Christmastide. Christmas is a civil holiday in many of the world's nations, is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians, and is an integral part of the Christmas and holiday season.

The precise day of Jesus's birth, which historians place between 7 and 2 BC, is unknown. In the early-to-mid 4th century, the Western Christian church first placed Christmas on December 25, a date later adopted also in the East. Theories advanced to explain that choice include that it falls exactly nine months after the Christian celebration of the conception of Jesus, or that it was selected to coincide with either the date of the Roman winter solstice or of an ancient pagan winter festival.

Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian. In some non-Christian countries, periods of former colonial rule introduced the celebration (e.g. Hong Kong); in others, Christian minorities or foreign cultural influences have led populations to observe the holiday. Countries such as Japan and Korea, where Christmas is popular despite there being only a small number of Christians, have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations and Christmas trees.

Notable countries in which Christmas is not a formal public holiday include China, (excepting Hong Kong and Macao), Japan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Thailand, Nepal, Iran, Turki and North Korea. Christmas celebrations around the world can vary markedly in form, reflecting differing cultural and national traditions.

The practice of putting up special decorations at Christmas has a long history. In the 15th century, it was recorded that in London it was the custom at Christmas for every house and all the parish churches to be "decked with holm, ivy, bays, and whatsoever the season of the year afforded to be green". The heart-shaped leaves of ivy were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while holly was seen as protection against pagans and witches, its thorns and red berries held to represent the Crown of thorns worn by Jesus at the crucifixion and the blood he shed.

Nativity scenes are known from 10th-century Rome. They were popularised by Saint Francis of Asissi from 1223, quickly spreading across Europe. Different types of decorations developed across the Christian world, dependent on local tradition and available resources. The first commercially produced decorations appeared in Germany in the 1860s, inspired by paper chains made by children. In countries where a representation of the Navity scene is very popular, people are encouraged to compete and create the most original or realistic ones. Within some families, the pieces used to make the representation are considered a valuable family heirloom.

The traditional colors of Christmas are green and red. White, silver and gold are also popular. Red symbolizes the blood of Jesus, which was shed in his crucifixion, while green symbolizes eternal life, and in particular the evergreen tree, which does not lose its leaves in the winter.

Other traditional decorations include bells, candles, candy canes, stockings, wreaths, and angels. Both the displaying of wreaths and candles in each window are a more traditional Christmas display. The concentric assortment of leaves, usually from an evrgreen, make up Christmas wreaths and are designed to prepare Christians for the Advent season. Candles in each window are meant to demonstrate the fact that Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the ultimate light of the world. Both of these antiquated, more subdued, Christmas displays are seen in the image to the right of Saint Anselm college.

Christmas lights and banners may be hung along streets, music played from speakers, and Christmas trees placed in prominent places. It is common in many parts of the world for town squares and consumer shopping areas to sponsor and display decorations. Rolls of brightly colored paper with secular or religious Christmas motifs are manufactured for the purpose of wrapping gifts. In some countries, Christmas decorations are traditionally taken down on Twelfth night, the evening of January 5.

Music and calors
The songs we know specifically as carols were originally communal folk songs sung during celebrations such as "harvest tide" as well as Christmas. It was only later that carols began to be sung in church. Traditionally, carols have often been based on medieval chord patterns, and it is this that gives them their uniquely characteristic musical sound. Some carols like "Personant Hodie", "Good King Wenceslas", and "The Holy and the Ivy" can be traced directly back to the Middle ages. They are among the oldest musical compositions still regularly sung. Adeste Fidelis (O Come all ye faithful) appears in its current form in the mid-18th century, although the words may have originated in the 13th century.

Singing of carols initially suffered a decline in popularity after the Protestant Reformation in northern Europe, although some Reformers, like Martin Luther, wrote carols and encouraged their use in worship. Carols largely survived in rural communities until the revival of interest in popular songs in the 19th century. The 18th century English reformer Charles Weasley understood the importance of music to worship. In addition to setting many psalms to melodies, which were influential in the Great Awekening in the United States, he wrote texts for at least three Christmas carols. The best known was originally entitled "Hark! How All the Welkin Rings", later renamed "Hark! the Herald Angel Sing".

Felix Mendelsshon wrote a melody adapted to fit Wesley's words. In Austria in 1818 Mohr and Gruber made a major addition to the genre when they composed "Silent Night" for the St. Nicholas Church, Oberndorf. William B Sandys' Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern (1833) contained the first appearance in print of many now-classic English carols, and contributed to the mid-Victorian revival of the festival. Completely secular Christmas seasonal songs emerged in the late 18th century. "Deck the Halls" dates from 1784, and the American, "Jingle Bells" was copyrighted in 1857. In the 19th and 20th century.

A special Christmas family meal is traditionally an important part of the holiday's celebration, and the food that is served varies greatly from country to country. Some regions, such as Sicily, have special meals for Christmas Eve, when 12 kinds of fish are served. In England and countries influenced by its traditions, a standard Christmas meal includes turkey or goose, meat, gravy, potatoes, vegetables, sometimes bread and cider. Special desserts are also prepared, such as Christmas pudding, mince pies and fruit cake.

In Poland and other parts of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, fish often is used for the traditional main course, but richer meat such as lamb is increasingly served. In Germany, France and Austria, goose and pork are favored. Beef, ham and chicken in various recipes are popular throughout the world. The Maltase traditionally serve Imbuljuta tal-Quastan, a chocolate and chestnuts beverage, after Midnight Mass and throughout the Christmas season. Slovaks prepare the traditional Christmas bread potica, buche de noel in France, panetonne in Italy, and elaborate tarts and cakes. The eating of sweets and chocolates has become popular worldwide, and sweeter Christmas delicacies include the German stollen, nmarzipan  cake or candy, and Jamaican rum fruit cake. As one of the few fruits traditionally available to northern countries in winter, oranges have been long associated with special Christmas foods.

Christmas cards are illustrated messages of greeting exchanged between friends and family members during the weeks preceding Christmas Day. The traditional greeting reads "wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", much like that of the first commercial Christmas cards, produced by Sir Henry Cole in London in 1843. The custom of sending them has become popular among a wide cross-section of people with the emergence of the modern trend towards exchanging E-cards.

Christmas cards are purchased in considerable quantities, and feature artwork, commercially designed and relevant to the season. The content of the design might relate directly to the Christmas narrative with depictions of the navity of Jesus, or Christian simbols such as the Star of Bethlehem, or a white dove which can represent both the Holy spirit and peace on Earth. Other Christmas cards are more secular and can depict Christmas traditons, mythical figures such as Santa Claus objects directly associated with Christmas such as candles, holly and baubles, or a variety of images associated with the season, such as Christmastide activities, snow scenes and the wildlife of the northern winter.

A number of nations have issued commemorative stamps at Christmastide. Postal customers will often use these stamps to mail Christmas cards, and they are popular with philatelists. These stamps are regular postage stamps, unlike Christmas seals, and are valid for postage year-round. They usually go on sale some time between early October and early December, and are printed in considerable quantities.

In 1898 a Canadian stamp was issued to mark the inauguration of the Imperial Penny Postage rate. The stamp features a map of the globe and bears an inscription "XMAS 1898" at the bottom. In 1937, Austria issued two "Christmas greeting stamps" featuring a rose and the signs of the zodiac. In 1939, Brazil issued four semi-postal stamps with designs featuring the three kings and a star of Bethlehem, an angel and child, the Southern cross and a child, and a mother and child.

Gift giving
The exchanging of gifts is one of the core aspects of the modern Christmas celebration, making the Christmas season the most profitable time of year for retailers and bus businesses throughout the world. Gift giving was common in the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, an ancient festival which took place in late December and may have influenced Christmas customs. Christmas gift giving was banned by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages due to its suspected pagan origins. It was later rationalized by the Church on the basis that it associated St. Nicholas with Christmas, and that gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh were given to the infant Jesus by the Biblical Magi.

Ok friends, my story is until here. Next time I  will continue it.
Good bye friends, I'm just want to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012"
Hope 2012 is a good year and everything is getting better.. :)

Rabu, 30 November 2011


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Minggu, 20 November 2011

Profil kelas

Halo teman-teman semua^^
Selamat datang ke blog ketigaku. Dalam blog kali ini, aku akan menceritakan diriku, sahabat-sahabatku, dan tentang sekolahku.

Nama saya adalah Jasmine Mustafa. Aku bersekolah di SMP Sutomo 1 Medan. Sekarang aku duduk di kelas 8-1. Rangking kelas yang kuperoleh sebelumnya adalah 33, kalau paralel kelas 95. Hehe cukup jelekkan teman-teman?? :D Aku harus memperbaikinya lagi menjadi lebih baik. Mohon dukungannya teman-teman O:)

Kelas 8-1 itu kelas plus. Orang-orangnya itu diam, baik, dan sopan. Tetapi kelas ku yang kali ini banyak yang jahil, bandel, ribut. Banyak guru yang sampai marah gara-gara ributnya. Tetapi kami selalu kompak dan ramah

Sebenarnya kalau hal yang kusukai itu tidak banyak. Kalau makanan kesukaanku itu spagetthi dan minuman kesukaanku adalah teh manis. Aku memiliki hobi, yaitu melukis. Kalau cita-citaku sudah pasti ingin menjadi pelukis terkenal.

Ini adalah aku dan sahabat baikku Wira(kiri). Dia dan aku sudah kenalan sejak kami kelas 1 SMP. Orangnya baik, ramah, lucu. Sebelumnya agak pendiam tapi gara-gara si angelin, teman sampingnya sekarang malah jadi banyak bicara, mau bergaul dengan orang. Kalau ada teman yang tidak bicara sama dia pasti dibilang "sombong ya kau" haha :D Dia adalah fans berat "Sm*sh". Profil picture facebooknya pun personil Sm*sh.
I. Bintang-bintang 8-1
1. Raymond Rafael Angellee
Ini adalah Raymond, ketua kelas kita. Walaupun ketua kelas, dia mendapat juara 1 di kelas, Paralel 2. Orangnya serius, rajin, suka belajar. Dilihat dari mukanya saja sudah tahu orangnya alim :D Dikelas, ada juga julukannya. Waktu kelas satu dipanggil "botak seng" sekarang dipanggil "cahaya hidup 3 phillip 10 watt". Dipanggil begitu gara-gara rambutnya botak =D

Nah, walaupun paralel 2 pun tidak selalu pegang buku saja. Kadang-kadang  main-main di kelas :D

2. Jacalyn Sofian
Ini adalah wakil ketua kelas kami, Jacalyn Sofian. Orangnya baik, ramah, lucu, dan ceria. Dia dipanggil JQ di kelas. Karena terlalu lucu, bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu pelawak kelas kami.

3.Davin William
Ini adalah Davin, ketua kebersihan kami, juga mantan sekretaris kami. Orangnya baik, lucu, bandel, salah satu teman baik jaswin. Di kelas, dia dipanggil DW. Tapi kalau bagi jaswin selalu dibilang "cute" =D Kalau ditanya orang yang disukainya, dia selalu menjawab Jaswin. =D

4. Michelle Angelica
Ini adalah Michelle, bendahara kelas kami. Dia orangnya baik, ramah, cantik. Di kelas, dia dipanggil MA. Tapi dia dipanggil "Miss Hell Angel Killer" oleh Jaswin. Dia orang yang baik untuk diajak teman.

5. Antonius
Ini adalah Antonius, dipanggil "acong" Dia orang yang baik, ramah. Selalu bergaya seperti power rangers, idolanya. Selamatkan 8-1 dari bahaya ya!!! =D

6. Eric Dennis
Ini adalah Eric. Dia dipanggil ED.  Dia sangat pintar dan jago mate, fisika. Dalam waktu sebentar saja dia sudah selesai mengerjakan pr mate atau fisika. Makanan kesukaannya adalah sushi dan masakan jepang lainnya.

7. Jaswin
Ini adalah Jaswin(yang sedang dihukum guru gara-gara lipat kertas di kelas). Orangnya pintar tetapi sangat bandel(terutama menyiksa hewan). Orangnya sangat jago Ipa. Waktu masih SD sudah dapat banyak medali. Orang yang disukainya adalah Davin =D

8. Sherlyn Tania
Di kelas, dia dipanggil ST atau Taiwain po. Dia sangat pintar mandarin, mengenal budaya taiwan dan fans berat artis-artis Taiwan. Artis yang paling disukainya adalah Han, Yen-J dan Tian Xin. Dia bisa marah kalau ada yang mengejek artis yang disukainya.

II. Sahabat-sahabat baikku
1. Belinda Etenia
Ini adalah Belinda, ketua kekeluargaan kami. Dia orang yang baik, ramah, sangat pintar bermain piano. Lihat dia bermain piano dengan baik. Dia orang yang boleh diajak berteman. Kalau ada yang sampai ganggu dia maka dia bisa langsung marah, jadi hati-hatilah.

2. Celline
Ini adalah Celline, salah satu the best couple kelas kami. Dia dipanggil berpasangan dengan pierro, karena dari kelas 1 sudah duduk bersama. Walaupun sekarang sudah tidak duduk bersama, kadang-kadang juga pergi ke tempat pierro dan duduk bersama. Apakah si Celline suka sama Pierro gak ya??

3. Chevy Valentino Wijaya
Namanya Chevy, duduk di belakangku. Salah satu sahabat saya. Orangnya baik, pintar, dan lucu. Makanya, teman-teman di kelas memanggilnya chubby, kadang-kadang chepy.

 4. Jesslyn Jane
Dia merupakan salah satu teman terbaikku. Namanya Jesslyn, nama panggialnnya JJ dikarenakan namanya. Orangnya baik, ramah, pintar. Dia pun memenangkan lomba scrabble. Dia teman yang boleh diajak berteman.

5. Jovanovick Luidaniel
Teman yang satu ini baik, sangat pintar dalam bahasa inggris. Selalu mendapat nilai tinggi di kelas( b.inggris) Orangnya tidak sombong tetapi suka main hp di kelas.

6. Megan Riri Moktar
Namanya Megan, duduk di samping saya. Orangnya baik, pintar, ramah. Dilihat saja sudah anak alim. Di kelas selalu dipanggil Meggi. Di kelas ada 2 orang yang ingin menembaknya, yaitu Ricky dan Nicholas Sukendi. Siapa yang bisa merebutnya ya???

7. Pierro Luis Winata
Namanya Pierro duduk di depan saya. Orangnya baik, pintar dan merupakan salah satu the best couple di kelas. Dia kadang-kadang duduk dengan Celline. Apakah dia suka dengan Celline??

8. Ricky Theodore
Namanya Ricky, mantan orang yang duduk samping saya. Dia orang yang baik, ramah, pintar. Dia sangat pintar mate, komputer, fisika dan kimia. Dia juga menyukai Megan. Dia selalu meminjam catatan dari dia maupun latihan.

9. Venny Lewis
Dia adalah salah satu sahabat terbaikku, namanya venny. Orangnya baik, ramah, dan sangat pintar bahasa inggris(melebihi Jovanovick) Dia memiliki kulit yang aneh. Ketika dia ketawa, maka sekujur kulitnya menjadi sangat merah terutama mukanya.

Nah, sampai sini dulu...
Kalau ada kata-kata yang kurang sopan, mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya...

Terima Kasih

Rabu, 16 November 2011

7 Keajaiban Dunia

Pada hari sabtu dinihari kemarin, New7Wonders bahwa sudah mengumumkan 7 pemenang sementara keajaiban dunia untuk kategori alam. Salah satu diantara peraih suara terbanyak adalah Pulau Komodo. Pulau Komodo meraih dengan suara terbanyak dari dukungan masyarakat dunia yang luas. Dan akhirnya bahwa dunia pun telah mengakui Pulau komodo sebagai keajaiban dunia. Pulau komodo tersebut akhirnya resmi masuk ke dalam 7 keajaiban dunia.

Sejak empat tahun lalu, yayasan New7Wonders memang sudah melakukan voting dan kampanye terhadap
440 lokasi dari 220 negara untuk menentukan 28 finalis yang akan masuk dalam 7 keajaiban dunia.

Berikut ketujuh daftar 7 keajaiban dunia versi New7Wonders berdasarkan abjad:

  1. Amazon
  2. Halong Bay
  3. Iguazu Falls
  4. Jeju Island
  5. Pulau Komodo
  6. Puerto Proncesa Underground River
  7. Table Mountain

Rabu, 09 November 2011

My first post

Hello World...

Selalu menyenangkan memiliki media baru untuk berexpresi. Dengan harapan agar menjadi panduan untuk meniti hari-hariku serta menyertai langkah-langkahku menyongsong indahnya dunia.

Silakan tinggalkan komentar, apapun itu, demi kenyamanan dan kegembiraan yang bisa kau temui disini.

Terima kasih.